Licence E-Book «The perfect product» Bakery / Pastry 1 & 2 / Confectionery

Optimum product quality is the goal of every craftsman's business. This is not so easy, because a perfect final result is subject to numerous, reciprocal influences. It is a complex subject, which is further emphasized by the availability of qualified personnel.
This work aims to bridge the gap between the high demands of your customers and the level of knowledge of your workforce. You will learn which factors are crucial for perfect product quality, how to achieve it, but also how to produce sustainably and cost-efficiently.
In addition to many recipe examples with instructions, "The Perfect Product – Bakery, Pastry, Confectionery," includes topics such as raw material requirements, influences in processing, production methods and much more. The richly illustrated work reveals typical mistakes and shows you how to avoid them.


CHF 240.00


The perfect product – Pastry 1

Online Course “Bakery Level 1”

Swiss Bakery and Confectionery incl. e-license

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